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Gun Shy

9 Dec

necklace: in god we trust

Too Young

25 Mar

portabello mushroom burger w/ sweet potato fries @ charlie’s

summer tan

a case of the greensquite obsessed with this ring from amado gudek (sg) btwwant want: vintage cacharel shadesbrunch: salmon, green tea, blueberry yogurt

osaka/nagoya/takayama in one week 🙂


1 Jul

Hola guys! Please check out candymag, they’re doing an accessories profile on me all month 🙂


tupera tupera

17 Jan

i think this may be the best thing i’ve ever picked up at Muji.

Tupera Tupera‘s epically straight forward “Picture Work Book” is full up on pages of blank faces and sweetly illustrated stickers of cartoony noses, candy-colored eyeballs and silly facial hair with which to decorate said faces.

in short, i am in love.

i meant to give this to my nephew as a present but i kinda want to keep it.

in other news i’m going to Osaka in March !!!

planning planning planning

or is it me and the moon

3 Jan

Spent the end of the year at Tagaytay

angus rib eye steak at Verbena / lipstick from Chuck’s brother


dimsum at Shang

Tried chicken feet for the first time… kinda slimy and springy. A little too many ligaments for my taste.

roadtrip staple

seed pods and fungus

New Year’s Eve Dinner back at Verbena

chilean seabass croquette with mango-lime salsa

baby lobster tail pomodoro

pineapple sherbet w/ tagaytay rosemary

duo of braised short ribs and bistro steak w/ potato gratin, chestnuts, red cabbage

secret antique store treasures

korean omelette party

Very simply, I like the way that this year began.


Merry Krampus

25 Dec

Christmas Eve dinner at Shangri la Hotel

wagyu prosciutto

fresh figs

Christmas Day: had lunch at one of the only places still open for the day at Little Tokyo

spicy wings

tempura everything

and finally, the pièce de résistance :

This beautiful, beautiful  Aquamarine Snakehead necklace by Nick von K that my boyfriend got for me (c/o his buddy Gino).

I love how grotesque the design is paired with the delicateness of the stone.

So obsessed : )

Happy Holidays, guys!

Casimir Pulaski

8 Sep

Last Saturday my brother and I decided to grab lunch at the Salcedo Weekend Market which is always super fun.

I ended up having the Inihaw na Hito (Grilled Catfish) with Paella Negra, and my brother had roast Italian chicken and little Japanese style pancake things.

So good!

Took some black and white photos of my cousins, half-siblings, extended familia a couple of Sundays ago. Film takes freaking forever to get processed and scanned over here, but on the plus side it’s also leagues cheaper compared to SG.

Finally, the box of all my errant Singaporean belongings has arrived after exactly one month and one day.

Treasures include:

a new Rhino ring to replace my original that fell on the floor and BROKE IN HALF

My silver skull ring from Japan that I had considered lost forever had my boyfriend not found it under his shelf

A couple vintage pins, magazine, tons of clothes, dvds, books, etcetera etcetera, all lovingly packed and sent.

Thanks bb!

Midas is King

13 Aug

Good morning.

Favorite breakfast habit: Genmaicha and Jasmine leaves

master of disguises

Here is a happy coincidence: the smaller diamond cut acrylic ring was a gift from my boyfriend from the MOCA in LA, and the bigger translucent one was from a boardgame called (embarrassingly enough) Pretty Pretty Princess that I used to play with my cousins when I was maybe 6. Miraculously I’ve never found it in my heart to part with it.

I think it’s a funny reflection of how 17 years on, my taste in certain things remains the same.

Mushaboom Mushaboom

10 Aug

Spent my last week in Singapore packing up my things, saying goodbye to familiar faces and eating lots of food.

Decided to pass by The Little Dröm Store on Ann Siang Hill one more time. Just because.

Rhino ring, ho!

We also happened by BookactuallyPolymath & Crust

Uhhhh, somewhere along the way this happened too:

Finally, on the night before I left Chuck had an exhibit with two of his friends at the Night and Day Gallery.

Needless to say, it made me very sad to leave.

blown up to 96 point futura

8 Jul

little inspiring things lately:

léa seydoux on the cover of l’officiel

irina lazareanu shot by cecile bortoletti in please! magazine #7

bought myself a copy of ‘the selby is in your place‘ as well as a nifty ring from déjà vu vintage

planning to battle post-graduation melancholia by watching adrien brody kill (or get killed) by predators this afternoon