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Lily of the Valley

23 Oct

I know I’m late to the game but the Breaking Bad finale just melted my brain.

i imagine every single best actor / supporting actor emmy nominee felt like Gus Fring at the end of that episode.

anyway i saw Tahiti 80 this weekend! so tight and so very french.

def recommend

… also i got bangs



Dog Days Are Over

10 Feb

Here’s a short video I took from the Florence show 🙂


8 Feb

Busy weekend!

Went with Chuck to a party where we had to wear masks, so this happened:

So meta.

Next was Calvin Harris at Zouk with the Blackmarket guys and it was packeddddd!

Sunday we stopped by again for the Zouk flea market, which was a lot more quiet than usual:

The Hairloom & Caramel people had a stall and we bought a Peanut Butter Nutella cupcake from them, mmmm

Then at 8 we went over to the Esplanade to catch Florence and the Machine + The xx!!!

The xx was good, but I thought they should have played a longer set. It makes sense that they’re still starting out though. People went absolutely nuts over Basic Space hahaha

Florence Welch was brilliant. Her voice was amazing and she’s such a fucking performer!

Good weekend, lots left to do!

Vlad the Impaler

23 Jul

The combination of Noel Fielding and Richard Ayoade never fails to make me happy.

Alala Alala

16 Mar

Saw Lovefoxxx’s DJ set at Home Club last Friday.

Cutest Brazilian accent ever!






When I asked for a picture she was like ‘Yashica T4! I have one too!’


Girlcrush solidifiedddddd